Cities located in the 728 Area Code

The most populous cities in area code 728 are: Wellington.
Reverse Phone Lookup in Wellington, FL

Reverse Phone Lookup in Wellington, FL

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Find out who that 728 phone number is registered to. Our free reverse phone lookup allows you to search records associated with a landline or cell phone number to help quickly identify who’s calling or texting you.

PeopleWin will search through millions of phone records, including both landline and cell phone numbers. One of the fastest services available, we provide free reverse phone lookup results in seconds that let you know if we found matching records, such as name, address, and more.

About Wellington, Florida

Wellington is a village just west of West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. As of 2014, the city had a population of 61,485 according to the U.S. Census Bureau, making it the most populous village in the state. It is the fifth largest municipality in Palm Beach County by population. Wellington is part of the South Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. Wellington was named Money Magazine's "Top 100" Best Places to Live in 2010. Although Wellington is not a village under any standard definition of the term village in the US, it is referred to officially as the " Village of Wellington ".

What Time Zone is Area Code 728?

The 728 area code lies within the Eastern Daylight Time Zone (or EDT). The current time in Eastern Daylight Time is 4:45 PM on Dec 4, 2024.

Neighborhood Demographics

Statistics based on US Census data for Wellington
41 y/o
Median Age
Median Income
Median Home Value
Total Population

Area Codes near Wellington, Florida

Phone Number Prefixes in the 728 Area Code

100 records found