Phone search results you can trust
What is Reverse Phone Search?
A phone number search can help you quickly identify who’s calling with a simple phone number entry. Our search engine extracts data from billions of public phone records and a wide variety of government sources, delivering you the most accurate results possible within seconds. This type of search can also be used to reconnect with loved ones, identify spam callers, avoid phone scams and more.
We analyze billions of records to return the results you’re searching for
While public records are available to everyone, obtaining that information isn’t always as simple as typing someone’s name into a search engine to yield the results you need.
That’s where PeopleWin comes in. Our cutting-edge search algorithm sources information from over 12 billion public records to instantly deliver the results you need. These data sources include curated databases, social media sites and government records plus county, state and federal records.
The type of data you can find on PeopleWin includes:*
- Age & Gender
- Full Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Social Profiles
- Dating Profiles
- Employment History
- Family Members Information
- Property Ownership
- Marital Status
- Criminal Records (additional fees apply)
When to Use a Free Phone Number Search
No matter your search needs, we’ve got you covered
We believe that knowledge is power. When properly equipped with it, you can make the best decisions for yourself and your family. Our mission is to provide you with reliable, actionable information.
Here are a few different use cases in which our search services may be helpful:
- Find updated contact information for people you’ve lost touch with
- Locate biological family members
- Screen unknown callers
- Avoid phone scams and robocalls
- Confirm the legitimacy of online sellers
- Avoid online predators
- Confirm an online date’s identity before meeting
- Find out who your children or spouse are communicating with
Why PeopleWin?
We give you access to the most up-to-date information available
- No Cost
- Extensive Records
- Quick Results
- More efficient
Need a Background Check?
Our background check add-on service provides more extensive information, allowing you to verify someone’s identity or location history, uncover social media profiles, confirm marital statuses and more. Whether you’re looking to ensure your safety by vetting a potential love interest or verify someone is who they say they are, a PeopleWin background check can give you the peace of mind you need (addiitonal fees may apply to certain data types).
Court Records
- Property Theft
- Drug Possession
- Domestic Violence
- Child Abuse
- Sex Offender Status
Historical Records
- Birth/Death Certificate
- Marriage Records
- Divorce Filings
- Immigration Records
- US Census Data
- Military Service Records
No phone number? No problem
You can still use our search engine to learn more about someone with a simple name, email address or street address.
Name Search
Need to dig deeper than the white pages? Search an individual by name to find contact information, addresses, social media profiles, court records (additional fees may apply), marital statuses and more.
Search NowEmail Address Search
Suspecting an unfaithful partner? Search their known email addresses to locate any dating or social media profiles you don’t know about.
Search NowStreet Address Search
Inspecting a potential new home? Run the address to ensure the property and neighborhood measure up to your checklist.
Search NowFrequently Asked Questions
You're looking to protect your privacy and obtain search results you're seeking—and we can help, but first, we want to make sure all of your questions are answered. Below are some commonly asked questions about our search engine.