Cities located in the 707 Area Code
Reverse Phone Lookup in Santa Rosa, CA
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Find out who that 707 phone number is registered to. Our free reverse phone lookup allows you to search records associated with a landline or cell phone number to help quickly identify who’s calling or texting you.
PeopleWin will search through millions of phone records, including both landline and cell phone numbers. One of the fastest services available, we provide free reverse phone lookup results in seconds that let you know if we found matching records, such as name, address, and more.
About Santa Rosa, Vallejo, and Napa, California
Santa Rosa is a city in and the county seat of Sonoma County, California, United States. Its estimated 2014 population was 174,170. Santa Rosa is the largest city in California's Redwood Empire, Wine Country and the North Bay ; the fifth most populous city in the San Francisco Bay Area after San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, and Fremont ; and the 28th most populous city in California.
Vallejoo ; Spanish : [baˈʎexo]) is a waterfront port city in Solano County, California, located in the North Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area. The population was 115,942 at the 2010 census. It is the tenth most populous city in the San Francisco Bay Area, and the largest in Solano County. Vallejo sits on the northeastern shore of San Pablo Bay, 30 miles north of San Francisco. The city is named after General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, a native Californio, leading proponent of California's statehood, and one of the first members of the California State Senate ; the neighboring city of Benicia is named for his wife, Francisca Benicia Carillo de Vallejo.Vallejo is home to the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom theme park, the now-defunct Mare Island Naval Shipyard, and the regional office for Region 5 of the United States Forest Service. The colleges and universities in Vallejo are California Maritime Academy, the Vallejo Center campus of Solano Community College, and Touro University California. Ferry service runs from a terminal on Mare Island Strait to San Francisco, through the BayLink division of SolTrans.Vallejo has twice served as the capital of the state of California: once in 1852 and again in 1853, both periods being brief. The State Capitol building burned to the ground in the 1880s and the Vallejo Fire Department requested aid from the Fire Department at Mare Island Naval Shipyard. As there were no bridges at that time, the Mare Island Fire Department had to be ferried across the Napa River, arriving to find only the foundation remaining. This was the first recorded mutual aid response in the state of California.Some of the first Europeans drawn to the Vallejo area were attracted by the sulfur springs ; in the year 1902 the area was named Blue Rock Springs. It was also known as White Sulfur Springs and that was the name of the road leading to it from town, today shortened to "Springs Road".Vallejo is best known for the Zodiac Killer and being the hometown of Bay Area rappers E-40 and Mac Dre.
Napa is the largest city and county seat of Napa County, California. It is the principal city of the Napa County Metropolitan Statistical Area, with a population of 80,011 as of the 2010 census. It is the second-largest city in California's Wine Country, after Santa Rosa. Napa was incorporated as a city in 1872.