Cities located in the 763 Area Code

The most populous cities in area code 763 are: Minneapolis, Osseo, Cambridge, Princeton, and Anoka.
Other cities in the 763 area code include: Wayzata, Big Lake, Monticello, Delano, Becker, Zimmerman, Saint Paul, Montrose, Hopkins, Buffalo, Oak Park, Hamel, Rogers, and Mound.
Reverse Phone Lookup in Minneapolis, MN

Reverse Phone Lookup in Minneapolis, MN

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Find out who that 763 phone number is registered to. Our free reverse phone lookup allows you to search records associated with a landline or cell phone number to help quickly identify who’s calling or texting you.

PeopleWin will search through millions of phone records, including both landline and cell phone numbers. One of the fastest services available, we provide free reverse phone lookup results in seconds that let you know if we found matching records, such as name, address, and more.

About Minneapolis, Osseo, and Cambridge, Minnesota

Minneapolis is the county seat of Hennepin County, and the larger of the Twin Cities, the 16th-largest metropolitan area in the United States. As of 2015, Minneapolis is the largest city in the state of Minnesota and 46th-largest in the United States with a population of 410,939. Minneapolis and Saint Paul anchor the second-largest economic center in the Midwest, after Chicago. Minneapolis lies on both banks of the Mississippi River, just north of the river's confluence with the Minnesota River, and adjoins Saint Paul, the state's capital. The city is abundantly rich in water, with thirteen lakes, wetlands, the Mississippi River, creeks and waterfalls, many connected by parkways in the Chain of Lakes and the Grand Rounds National Scenic Byway. It was once the world's flour milling capital and a hub for timber. The city and surrounding region is the primary business center between Chicago and Seattle, with Minneapolis proper containing America's fifth-highest concentration of Fortune 500 companies. As an integral link to the global economy, Minneapolis is categorized as a global city. Noted for its strong music and performing arts scenes, Minneapolis is home to both the award-winning Guthrie Theater and the historic First Avenue nightclub. Reflecting the region's status as an epicenter of folk, funk, and alternative rock music, the city served as the launching pad for several of the 20th century's most influential musicians, including Bob Dylan and Prince. The name Minneapolis is attributed to Charles Hoag, the city's first schoolteacher, who combined mni, a Dakota Sioux word for water, and polis, the Greek word for city.

Osseo is a small city in Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States. The city resides on 472 acres. It is bordered by the cities of Brooklyn Park and Maple Grove. According to Osseo's Community Profile compiled by the Metropolitan Council the population in the year 2015 was 2,656 persons in 1262 households.There are three main transportation routes in the city. Jefferson Highway runs straight north/south through the city and in the business stretch is named Central Avenue. U.S. Highway 169 lines the east boundary. Bottineau Boulevard (County Road 81) runs north west through the city.

Cambridge is a city in Isanti County, Minnesota, United States, located at the junction of Minnesota State Highways 65 and 95. The population was 8,111 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Isanti County. It is located along the Rum River and the BNSF Railway. Cambridge is notable for having the highest percentage of Swedish Americans of any city in the United States with a population of over 5,000 people.

What Time Zone is Area Code 763?

The 763 area code lies within the Central Daylight Time Zone (or CDT). The current time in Central Daylight Time is 7:43 AM on Sep 13, 2024.

Neighborhood Demographics

Statistics based on US Census data for Minneapolis
34 y/o
Median Age
Median Income
Median Home Value
Total Population

Area Codes near Minneapolis, Osseo, and Cambridge, Minnesota

Phone Number Prefixes in the 763 Area Code

100 records found