We bring people together

I located my cousin who had become estranged from our family. It truly was an amazing blessing that has come from this site!!!

New York

We have been looking for my wife’s biological father for 32 years. With your help, we finally managed to find him and his family!


I needed information for one of my dearest friends, whom I had lost contact info. I was so very happy when I used your services!!


We found a dog and looked up the phone number on his tag through your websites, we were able to reunite him with his owner!


I just needed one phone number. I am SO thankful that I could get what I needed without a hassle.


I needed to find an address for a surprise flower delivery. It was a success and the recipient was happy. Thank you!

Use PeopleWin to uncover information like dating profiles and marital status for free.

What is People Search?

People search allows you to easily and efficiently locate specific information about anyone — information that spans deeper than the traditional white pages search. With our free, comprehensive and easy-to-use search tool, you have the power to uncover personal contact information, location, social media profiles, court records (additional fees apply), marital status and more.

We analyze billions of records to return the results you’re searching for

While public records are available to everyone, obtaining that information isn’t always as simple as typing someone’s name into a search engine to yield the results you need.

That’s where PeopleWin comes in. Our cutting-edge search algorithm sources information from over 12 billion public records to instantly deliver the results you need. These data sources include curated databases, social media sites and government records plus county, state and federal records.

The type of data you can find on PeopleWin includes:

  • Age & Gender
  • Full Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Social Profiles
  • Dating Profiles
  • Employment History
  • Family Members Information
  • Property Ownership
  • Marital Status
  • Criminal Records (additional fees apply)
* We collect these categories of personal information

How a Free People Search Can Help You

No matter your search needs, we’ve got you covered

We believe that knowledge is power. When properly equipped with it, you can make the best decisions for yourself and your family.

Here are a few different use cases in which our search services may be helpful:


  • Reconnect with old friends or classmates
  • Find biological family members
  • Grow your business by finding contact information for leads


  • Screen unknown callers to prevent scams
  • Locate a scammer’s criminal records (additional fees apply)


  • Confirm the legitimacy of an online seller
  • Research your family history
  • Review property history


  • Confirm a date’s identity before meeting
  • Investigate potential infidelity
Search for anyone by name, phone number, email or address for free on PeopleWin.

Why PeopleWin?

We give you access to the most up-to-date information available

  • Low Cost
  • Quick Results
  • Extensive Records

Need a Background Check?

A PeopleWin background check allows you to source available court and historical records (additional fees apply for each) to verify the details of someone’s identity, investigate new dating prospects, avoid scams and more.

PeopleWin allows you to do an instant background check on anyone for free.

No name? No problem

You can still use our search engine to learn more about someone with a simple phone number, email address or street address.

Phone Search

Receiving calls from an unknown number? Find out exactly who’s behind those nonstop robo and spam calls by uncovering the caller’s real name, location, social profiles and photos.

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Email Address Search

Suspecting an unfaithful partner? Search their known email addresses to locate any dating or social media profiles you don’t know about.

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Street Address Search

Inspecting a potential new home? Run the address to ensure the property and neighborhood measure up to your checklist.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You're looking to protect your privacy and obtain search results you're seeking—and we can help, but first, we want to make sure all of your questions are answered. Below are some commonly asked questions about our search engine.

Are name searches confidential?

How do I use a people search engine?

How can I find a person by name?

Can I find out who a phone number belongs to?

Are there restrictions to using name search results?

Can I look up someone’s criminal record?